Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Magic Silo

The Magic Silo is a light tent made by RPS Studio Lighting. It folds into a 17" diamater flat circle and fits into a nice pouch.

I bought this thing right after moving out to Colorado, probably 6 years ago or so. I paid $40 from Englewood Camera. I tried using it as the instructions suggest. Put the lighting on the outside of the tent and point the camera in from the top. But I could never get it to work for me. I was using hot lights (aka: clamp reflectors with light bulbs in 'em), and they just weren't strong enough to work. So into the garage it went.

Now that I've been playing with strobes, such that they are, I brought it out again. But not to place over the subject! No, instead I put my optically triggered booster into the silo and used it as a softbox.

It reflects a lot of light out around the silo, unfortunately. But it works. And I can fix that reflection by putting a reflector such as an automotive sun shade inside to help direct the light.

There should still be some fill light to help flesh out the subject, or I can get the silo more to the front. I need to do some experimenting. But I think it makes a good start.

I'm glad I never sold it!

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