Monday, January 17, 2011

Sepia In-Camera on the D80

My little girl, goofing for the camera.
The D80 has some post processing features built into the camera. Being a Photoshop user (currently still on CS3), I've generally avoided those features. Making changes on the itty bitty LCD on the back of a camera isn't a lot of fun.

But I thought I'd see what the monochrome tools could do. The above image is a shot of my daughter being silly for me. On-camera flash set to minimal, just enough to trigger the slave flash I was holding in my hand underneath the camera. You can see the dual sparks in her eyes.

In-camera I chose Monochrome - Sepia - Dark. It created a new file with the modifications.

I pulled both images into Photoshop, but the only changes were to crop and merge into the single image above. No changes to color, contrast, or curves were made. As you can see, the sepia effect isn't bad. But it would really benefit from some contrast enhancement and burn in. Since these need to be done in Photoshop (or your photo editor of choice), there's really no point in doing it in-camera. The effort just doesn't return any value.

Oh, well. It was worth a shot.

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